Accessible Sidewalk/Curb Ramp Design and Construction


Staff from Iowa DBEs, Iowa local agencies, or Iowa DOT are invited to join us for this free accessible sidewalk/curb ramp design and construction workshop. This workshop is different than those offered in previous years. Some of the design manual information will be covered, but the focus will be on issues that occur in the field (see the agenda). The audience of the presentation and discussion materials developed are primarily those working in the field and either just starting to design and construct sidewalks/curb ramps or those that would like a refresher discussion.

This workshop will address the design and construction of accessible sidewalks and curb ramps. A variety of topics will be discussed with a majority of the focus on issues and considerations related to efforts completed in the field.

Why Attend?

  • Iowa DOT and SUDAS have produced Design Standards and Plan Preparation Requirements for Accessiblity
  • Accessibility of Public Rights-of-Way is Required by the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Receive a short summary of the relevant Iowa DOT and SUDAS Design Manuals sections
  • Hear about plan reading, curb ramp forming/construction, the focus of inspectors, on-site decision-making, and estimating
  • Workshop will summarize the Sidewalk, Curb Ramp, and Work Zone Portions of the Iowa DOT and SUDAS Design Manuals

Typical Workshop Agenda

8:15 a.m.

8:30 a.m.
Introductions/Why are you here?
Sidewalk/Curb Ramp Design Basics
Plan Reading
Curb Ramp Forming & Construction

12:00 p.m. 
Lunch – “When the Inspector Visits”

1:00 p.m.
Curb Ramp Forming & Construction (Continued)
On-Site Decision-Making or “When Things Don’t Add Up”
Estimating Efforts
Open Questions/Discussion

3:00 p.m.

For More Information

If you have a question about whether you should register please contact Keith Knapp at 515-294-8817 or