Introduction to Federal-Aid Right of Way Requirements for Local Public Agencies
This one-day introductory course is being offered by the Federal Highway Administration in cooperation with the Iowa DOT and Iowa LTAP. It provides Local Public Agencies (LPAs) with a working knowledge of Federal requirements and procedures for acquiring property for Federally-assisted transportation projects. The course focuses on applying the Uniform Act and related Federal Regulations to specific situations and issues. Designed as a hands-on, highly interactive learning experience, this course will guide participants through several phases of the right of way process by relating common real-life situations, right-of-way (ROW) problem solving exercises, and large group discussions. We encourage those with limited ROW knowledge to register for the free NHI 141045 web-based training course in advance of this instructor-led course session.
- Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the legal basis for land acquisition by a governmental entity
- Assess the impact of a roadway improvement as it relates to the Uniform Act
- Sequence the right-of-way process (ROW) within the overall project development process
- Determine the appropriate valuation process for ROW acquisition
- Apply the Uniform Act requirements for ROW acquisition
- Apply the Uniform Act requirements to relocation assistance
The instructor for the one-day introductory course is Carolyn Winborne James. She is a LPA National Realty Specialist with the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration in Washington, D.C.
For More Information
If you have questions or need more information, please contact Keith Knapp at 515-294-8817 or