LTAP Resource Biweekly

Iowa LTAP is a resource that is ready to help, providing biweekly updates on webinars and other online opportunities and resources that we hope will be of value to local agencies wherever they may be. All webinars are listed in Central Time.

As always, if you have any subjects you’d like to see, please let us know and we’ll help you out. We are also available to answer technical questions and find technical resources for you (please call or email us).

LTAP Resource Biweekly #99 (9/5/24)

Biweekly #99

  • Underground Utilities Construction Inspector School (APWA MN), Monthly, October to May – Offered by the American Public Works Association’s Minnesota Chapter, this monthly (October-May) class provides practical information to enable people with underground utility inspection responsibilities to expertly and confidently do their jobs. Iowa LTAP will be hosting an on-site location in Ames for those in the Des Moines metro area, and remote attendees (50+ miles from Ames) may participate virtually. For more information and to register, please go here.

Biweekly #99

  • Designing Pedestrian Safety Countermeasures for Winter Maintenance, Friday, 9/19 at 12:00 PM – While pedestrian safety countermeasures contribute to reducing vehicle-pedestrian crashes, their impacts on winter maintenance operations are sometimes overlooked during design. This webinar will discuss work completed for the Minnesota Department of Transportation that developed best practice guidance and solutions for the design, installation, and maintenance of a series of pedestrian safety features for year-round maintenance. Registration can be found here.

Biweekly #99

  • Multidisciplinary Roadway Safety Series, Tuesday, 10/8 (Ames); Wednesday, 10/9 (Iowa City); Thursday, 10/10 (Charles City); Wednesday, 10/23 (Red Oak); and Thursday, 10/24 (Storm Lake) – This annual workshop series is held at convenient locations in Iowa to provide the most current information and advice for improving safety on local agencies’ roads and streets in terms of planning, law enforcement, education, and engineering. This is an opportunity to hear about the latest work and programs aimed at reducing fatal crashes on Iowa roadways from various safety partners in the state, including the Iowa DOT Traffic and Safety, Local Systems and Systems Planning Bureaus, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) – Iowa Division, Governors Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB), and the Iowa LTAP. More information and registration can be found here.
  • NHI Bridge Inspection Refresher Training (NHI 130053), Tuesday–Thursday, 10/29–10/31 (Ames) – For bridge inspectors with certifications expiring in 2025, Iowa LTAP is offering the National Highway Institute (NHI) 130053 Bridge Inspection Refresher Training this fall. There will not be a refresher course offered in Spring 2025. Registration and more details can be found here.
  • Winter Maintenance Workshop Series, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 11/12 (Oelwein), 11/13 (Webster City), 11/14 (Spencer), 11/19 (Atlantic), 11/20 (Chariton), and 11/21 (Fairfield) – Snow and ice control can be the most demanding, challenging, and visible tasks performed by local public agencies. Some topics covered in the workshop include pre-season preparation, snow removal on gravel and paved rural roads and city streets, pre-trip inspection and typical snow policies and procedures. Registration and more information can be found here.

Biweekly #99

  • MINK Local Roads Meeting, Wednesday–Thursday, 9/25–9/26 (St. Joseph, MO) – MINK is an annual meeting that brings together officials from counties, state DOTs, and FHWA divisions in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. The agenda covers timely and practical topics on maintenance, administration, innovative ideas, safety, and funding. It’s a great place to share information, learn together, and talk shop. Attendees from any state are welcome. More information and registration can be found here.
  • Local Road Conference, Monday–Wednesday, 10/21–10/23 (Sioux Falls, SD) – From ND LTAP, this conference is a valuable investment for your entity. It is the most affordable local road conference in the nation, providing an opportunity to learn and share ideas about building and maintaining safe, local roadways. The conference typically showcases around 80 vendors/exhibitors. The target audience is highway superintendents/county engineers, municipal street managers, equipment operators, consulting engineers, and elected officials. Registration can be found here.

Biweekly #99

  • Pavement Management Budgets and Strategies (AR LTAP), Thursday, 9/19 at 1:30 PM – One of the most difficult features of managing a roadway network is to perform the needed repairs within the existing budget constraints. In this 2-hour webinar, the concepts of network value, remaining service life, and project value index are used to provide an objective strategy for managing a local road network. Additional tools are presented for planning a 5-year network strategy. Registration for this webinar can be found here.
  • Talking TIM Webinar Series (FHWA), Wednesdays, 9/25, 10/23, and 11/27 at 12:30 PM The Talking Traffic Incident Management (TIM) webinar series, brought to you by the FHWA Office of Operations, provides a forum where TIM champions with any level of experience can exchange information about current practices, programs, and technologies. Topics and presenters for each month’s webinar will be announced a few weeks ahead of time. Registration and more information for this series can be found here.
  • Snow Plow Operator Training (SPOT) and Roadeo (Iowa APWA), Wednesday–Thursday, 10/2–10/3 (Cedar Rapids) – SPOT will be a one-day training session (10/2) geared toward new operators with a focus on providing information on basic snow plow truck operation, de-icing practice and products, and discussion on snow control best practices. For the Roadeo event (10/3), people can choose to compete in one, two, or three courses: single-axle snow plow, skid steer, or mini-excavator. Registration can be for one or both events. All the details and registration can be found here.
  • Design Example – Lighting Design for an Urban Street Environment (USDOT), Tuesday, 10/29 at 12:00 PM – The webinar will illustrate the different design recommendations applicable to the areas being studied and highlight the key safety elements that should be considered. Through the use of an example that consists of an urban street with bike lanes, parking, crosswalks, intersections, and sidewalks, the presentation will include possible adjustments to current criteria from IES-RP-8 and AASHTO GL 7 and approaches expected from emerging research. The attendees will gain an understanding on how different roadway elements within an urban setting will affect the recommended lighting design guidelines and how newly developed design metrics help protect vulnerable road users. Registration for this webinar can be found here.
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