David Veneziano

About David
Dr. David Veneziano is the safety circuit rider with the Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program at the Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University. Dr. Veneziano earned his doctorate in transportation engineering from Iowa State University in 2006. He has over 15 years of experience in various aspects of transportation research, including safety and operational analysis, winter maintenance applications, intelligent transportation systems, and remote sensing. He has considerable research experience working with numerous agencies, including the National Cooperative Highway Research Program and the Iowa, California, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Maryland, and Montana Departments of Transportation, among others. In addition, his experience includes outreach and training activities for safety treatments, roadside safety, work zone flagging and safety, and roadway signing and marking.
- PhD, Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering), Iowa State University, 2006
- MS, Transportation Planning, Iowa State University, 2002
- BS, Management, St. Joseph’s College, 2000
Professional Experience
- Safety Circuit Rider, Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program, Institute for Transportation, Iowa State University, 2015–present
- Research Scientist, Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University, 2006–2015
- Professional experience has focused on conducting research and outreach in the areas of traffic safety, operations, and intelligent transportation systems. Other transportation-related research efforts include winter maintenance, planning, economic analysis, and remote sensing. Emphasis has been on evaluation of low-cost safety and operational countermeasures and treatments for rural roads.
- Outreach activities include workshops and training for local road agencies, addressing various needs including low-cost safety treatments, work zone flagging, and signing training.
Selected Publications
- Veneziano, D. 2022. Designing Low Water Crossings. Presented at the 2022 Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas (MINK) Local Roads Meeting, St. Joseph, MO, September 29.
- Hallmark, S., D. Veneziano, T. Litteral, and J. Wood. 2022. Identifying Short Term Strategies for Local Agencies to Prepare for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. , Road Safety and Simulation Conference, Athens, Greece, June 2022.
- Veneziano, D., and V. Goetz. 2021. Technology Exchange on Local Roads Bridge Programs. Transportation Research Circular E-C272.
- Fay, L., N. Villwock-Witte, K. Clouser, and D. Veneziano. 2020. Severe Weather Index. Maryland Department of Transportation, Baltimore, MD.
- Veneziano, D., and O. Smadi. 2018. Investigating the Necessity and Prioritizing Pavement Markings on Low-Volume Roads. Minnesota Department of Transportation, St. Paul, MN.
- Veneziano, D., and K. Knapp. 2016. Sign Effectiveness Guide. Institute for Transportation, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
- Knapp, K., D. Veneziano, and P. Albritton. 2015. Evaluation of Pavement Markings on Low-Volume Rural Roadways in Iowa. Institute for Transportation, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
- Veneziano, D. 2016. Evaluation of the Fredonyer Pass Icy Curve Warning System. Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
- Veneziano, D., A. Muthumani, and X. Shi. 2015. Safety Effects of Fixed Automated Spray Technology Systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2482, pp. 102–109.
- Veneziano, D., X. Shi, L. Ballard, Z. Ye, and L. Fay. 2014. A Benefit-Cost Analysis Toolkit: Assessing Road Weather Management Technologies and Enabling Winter Maintenance Best Practices. ASCE Special Publication Climatic Effects on Pavement and Geotechnical Infrastructure, pp. 217–230.
- Veneziano, D., L. and Koon. 2014. Survey of Western State Safety Warning Devices. Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
Professional Affiliations
- Member, TRB Standing Committee on Road Weather (AKR50)