Sustainability in Public Works
Public Employees Leadership Institute
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1. Sustainability basics
2. Policy development and implementation
3. Building collaborative partnerships between agencies
4. Data-driven system management decision-making
5. Succession planning
6. Envision Sustainability Rating Program
The focus of this course is related to planning appropriately for the future of a public works agency. The objective is to provide information to the participant that helps in the areas of policy development and application, the use of data, working with other agencies, internal professional development, and the evaluation of sustainability programs. More specifically, the participant will hear about sustainability basics, policy and implementation, building collaborative partnerships, data driven decision-making, succession planning, and the Envision rating system.
Jen Winter
City of Cedar Rapids Public Works Director
As Public Works Director for the City of Cedar Rapids, Jen Winter manages all daily operations, including strategic planning, goal setting, and policy direction for the department. She oversees engineering, traffic engineering, real estate, flood control management, and street and sewer operations.
Before joining the City of Cedar Rapids as Public Works Director, Jen was a Regional Director for HR Green in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where she led a team of engineers focused primarily on transportation design.
She is the past Chair and current member of APWA’s Center for Sustainability and serves on the Iowa Chapter Executive Board.
Jon Dienst
City of Dubuque Civil Engineer II
Jon is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Civil and Environmental Engineering and has served the City of Dubuque as a Civil Engineer II since January of 2005. Prior to his appointment to the City of Dubuque, he served as a Senior Project Engineer for Eagle Point Software for 12 years and was involved in civil engineering software development, testing and training.
Currently with the City of Dubuque, he is responsible for coordinating the City’s Green Alley program, street reconstruction, sidewalk inspection program, public ROW management, and ADA access ramp projects.
Jon was appointed to the APWA Iowa chapter board in January 2014 and served as Region III Director representing NE Iowa for two years. He is currently the president of the chapter.
Bret Hodne
City of West Des Moines Public Works Director
Bret has been with the City of West Des Moines Public Works Department since 1989. He started his career as an equipment operator for before moving into various managerial roles. He was promoted into the Superintendent of Public Works position in 1994 and into his current position as the Director of Public Works in 2008.
Bret has served as the APWA Iowa Chapter President and Delegate. In 2006 Bret was presented with the APWA Donald C. Stone Award for Excellence in Education. He was selected by the APWA in 2007 as one of the Top Ten Public Works Leaders in North America. For several years Bret chaired the National APWA Winter Maintenance Sub-Committee. He currently serves as a Past Chair with this group and is still actively involved.
Bret currently is a member of the APWA Institute Review Committee and recently served as a member and Chair of the APWA Leadership and Management Committee.
Professional affiliations
He has served as President of the American Public Works Association Iowa Chapter and chaired the APWA Winter Maintenance Sub-Committee. Was presented the APWA Donald C. Stone Award for Excellence in Education in 2006. Selected by the APWA as one of their Top Ten Public Works Leaders in 2007.
Other Institute course(s)
Supervisory Techniques and Skills
Effective Communication Skills
Resource Management Skills
Winter Maintenance Management
Joseph Cory
City of West Des Moines Deputy Public Works Director
BS in Civil Engineering, Iowa State University
MS in Public Administration, Drake University
Joe Cory is the Deputy Public Works Director at the City of West Des Moines. The position provides the direction, coordination, and oversight for the Public Work Department which includes the following areas; environmental, transportation, construction and development. Joe also assists in administering the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and ensures that public improvements are constructed in accordance with State laws and accepted Engineering Standards while minimizing risk to the public as a result of these improvements and that the public resources are managed responsibly.
Other Institute course(s)
Project Management
Larry Stevens
HR Green
Larry has enjoyed a long and distinguished career in Municipal Engineering. He served from 2003 to 2009 as Director of the Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) Program at Iowa State University. Prior to that, he worked for the City of Oskaloosa, Iowa for 22 years, filling the roles of City Engineer and Public Works Director and at the City of Grinnell, Iowa as the Assistant City Engineer for 5 years. At HR Green’s Des Moines, IA office since 2009, Larry provides municipal engineering services to some of the firm’s key clients.