USGS StreamStats (Version 4)
The Iowa County Engineers Association (ICEA) Special Schools committee and Iowa LTAP will be offering a webinar on USGS StreamStats (Version 4) on May 17, 2016. This is a free webinar and the presentation will be accessible from your own computer. More information about the webinar and registration information is below.
The USGS StreamStats application is a Web-based program that incorporates Geographic Information System (GIS) data to determine flood-frequency discharge relationships utilizing basin characteristics and regional regression equations. The program calculates peak-flow annual flood-frequency recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 years.
This webinar will improve attendee understanding of the USGS StreamStats application (Version 4).
Intended Audience
The intended audience for this webinar is anyone that works with the USGS StreamStats (Version 4) application.
The webinar will discuss the regression equations available in StreamStats and the methods used to develop the equations and measure the basin characteristics used in the equations. The webinar will also show how to utilize the program and print the results associated with the estimates obtained from the equations. Users should familiarize themselves with USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5086 before using StreamStats to obtain estimates of streamflow peak discharges for gaged and ungaged sites.
The webinar provides an opportunity to hear about the fourth version of this application and to ask questions about it.
The instructor for this webinar is David Eash, USGS Hydrologist. Mr. Eash is a 1987 University of Iowa graduate, and he has worked at the USGS since 1987 on surface-water hydrologic-analysis studies that have included the computation of flood-frequency analyses for streamgages in Iowa and the documentation of major flood events in Iowa in flood-profile reports. His major emphasis has been on the computation of streamflow statistics and GIS analyses for the estimation of peak-flow and low-flow statistics at ungaged stream sites.
For More Information
If there are questions about this information, please contact Keith Knapp at 515-294-8817 or