County Engineers Research Focus Group (CERFG)


Each year the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) cosponsor an annual County Engineers Research Focus Group (CERFG) meeting in Ames, Iowa. At this event you will hear about research updates and local innovations, have the opportunity to brainstorm ideas about a gravel road manual, and be provided useful results from recently completed research projects. You will also participate in a brainstorming session to identify needed research projects that will be presented to the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) for consideration.

Your feedback will help district IHRB representatives better understand your needs to target county investments in research. Research that is better targeted to local issues and needs should provide low cost solutions to issues you are currently experiencing.

Tentative Agenda:

8:30 Registration
Welcome and Introductions
ICEA Perspective
“Mousetrap” Innovations
Research Update
County Research Focus Group
11:45 Lunch
IADOT Research Qmarkets Platform
Roller Smart Compaction
              Safety Performance Functions (SPFs)
Questions and Closing Comments
2:30 Adjourn