Video Library
From videos on physics to winter operations to road signs and markings, the Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program’s video library includes essential information that can help keep you and your departments updated and informed.
Video-Streaming Service
The Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program is again offering again a free, online safety video service for cities and counties. This will give you access to almost 300 of the most recently produced safety and compliance videos that are perfect for safety meetings. All you need is an internet connection and the ability to stream from a computer to a projector or monitor.
For More Information
For access to video-streaming services or if you have additional questions about the Iowa LTAP video library, contact Paul Albritton, the Iowa LTAP Technical Training Coordinator at 515-294-1231 or
Video Library

FHWA Low Cost Safety Improvements
More than 80 percent of the fatal crashes on unpaved roads in 2017 were single vehicle crashes. Drivers run off the road and either rollover or strike a fixed object such as a tree or utility pole. Learn what low-cost safety strategies were used to improve unpaved roads in North and South Dakota.
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FHWA Low Cost Safety Improvements
When speeding leads to crashes in rural towns they can be severe or fatal because it takes extra time for emergency services to arrive. Researchers at the Institute of Transportation at Iowa State University partnered with FHWA to study low-cost speed management techniques in five rural Iowa communities.
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FHWA Low Cost Safety Improvements
More than 6,000 pedestrians are killed each year along roadways. See how a small town in Oregon and a tribe in Washington are improving safety for pedestrians.
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FHWA Low Cost Safety Improvements
Alerting drivers to the presence and types of approaching intersections with signs and pavement markings can reduce the frequency and severity of crashes. Learn how South Carolina used the systemic approach to complete 80 projects for the price of one.
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FHWA Low Cost Safety Improvements
Pavement markings are one of the least expensive countermeasures available for improving safety and can reduce crashes by 15 percent. Agencies should consider installing center lines and edge lines even where they are not required and may try adopting 6-inch edge lines rather than the standard 4-inch.
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FHWA Low Cost Safety Improvements
Basic signing improvements such as advance warning signs, speed plaques, and chevrons alert drivers of upcoming curves and can reduce fatal crashes up to 44 percent. Find out how enhanced delineation at curves is saving lives in Pennsylvania.
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Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics
What happens to vehicles and their occupants in crashes is determined by science. "You can't argue with the laws of physics," says Griff Jones, award-winning high school physics teacher who goes behind the scenes at the Institute's Vehicle Research Center to explore the basic science behind car crashes.
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Temporary Traffic Control, Part 1
Maintenance in Traffic Training Part 3—Temporary Traffic Control Zones (video 1 of 2). This video looks at each of the four traffic control zones: advance warning area, transition area, activity area and termination area.
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Temporary Traffic Control, Part 2
Maintenance in Traffic Training Part 3—Temporary Traffic Control Zones (video 2 of 2). This video continues to examine each of the four traffic control zones: advance warning area, transition area, activity area and termination area.
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Iowa DOT Work Zone Flagger Training
This is a training video which emphasizes the importance of the flagger and the professionalism involved. It points out the improper equipment used, the elements, the surrounding activities, and the topography involved.
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Rural Road Crashes
Rural road crashes—they’re preventable. This video includes interesting comments from drivers of different ages, a farmer, a law enforcement officer, and a county engineer who discuss ways to prevent rural road crashes.
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Paving the Way for Connected Automation; Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Discover how FHWA and the DOT are developing technologies to enable vehicles to communicate and respond to one another by sharing speed, following distance, and accelerating/decelerating data.
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Minnesota DOT Test Drones for Bridge Inspections
The Minnesota Department of Transportation recently completed a study to examine the effectiveness of drone technology as it applies to bridge safety inspections.
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Jesup South Bridge in Buchanan County, Iowa
Does eSPAN140 really save time and money in short span steel bridge design? "Yes!" says the team that designed and built the Jesup South Bridge in Buchanan County, Iowa. Hear the story in their own words.
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Iowa DOT Winter Operations Training Series
This 14-part video series by the Iowa Department of Transportation provides valuable information about winter roadway operations. Topics covered include pre-season preparation of trucks and plows, regular equipment checks, proper and safe clothing, plowing techniques, anti-icing and de-icing, snow fences and more.
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Iowa DOT Access Permits
In Iowa, gaining access from private property to the primary highway system requires a permit.
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Gravel Road Maintenance, Meeting the Challenge
More than half of America’s roads have a gravel surface, making gravel roads an important part of the nation’s transportation system. This video explains three important aspects of maintaining gravel roads: safety, correct roadway shape and good surface gravel.
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Every Day Counts: Episode 3
Episode 3 features 11 technologies and practices that can shorten the project delivery process, enhance safety and improve environmental sustainability. They range from efficient electronic tools and easy-to-build bridges to time-saving planning techniques and congestion-cutting work zones.
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Data-Driven Safety Analysis: High-Level Overview
Data-Driven Safety Analysis is the application of the latest generation of tools for analyzing crash and roadway data to better target highway safety investments and reduce the number of severe crashes on roadways.
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Alternative Intersections: Displaced Left Turns
The Displaced Left-Turn (DLT) intersection is an innovative, proven solution for improving safety and mobility at intersections.
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Diverging Diamond Interchange, East First Street, Ankeny, IA
This two-part video explains the diverging diamond interchange project on East First Street and Interstate 35 in Ankeny, Iowa.
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